Dear Santa: Naughty or Nice? It’s Complicated…

By Alex Cohen

I committed myself to working from the Foundation office more this year to spend more hands-on time with my team.

What was I thinking?! I’m older now and I’ve forgotten what it is like to not have the option to work from home – having to get up extra early, pick a suitable outfit (not just throw on workout clothes), “get my face on” every day, and then have to be “on” while at work, it’s exhausting… God bless all of us who do this every day! I love what I do but I’m thankful that there is always the ability to do it from home.

Earlier this year, I started seeing a great doctor in California who put me on the most amazing Blood Type Diet. I felt and looked so much better, I slept better, I lost weight and I had so fewer headaches – it was a miracle!

After about 6 months of the diet, the summer came and I became weak and allowed Bacon, Pizza, Alcohol and bread back into my life. I was healthier yes, but was I happier? NO! Now I am trying to eat healthy 50-60 percent of the time. That has to be better than zero percent, right?

This past spring, I had the greatest idea… to do a Cross Country Tour with my team and perform random acts of kindness along the way (including a few planned stops at local organizations in need). We called it, The Giving Tour. I wanted to see this great country, while doing some good at the same time. I had a blast, loved everywhere we went and all of the people we met.

Well, I didn’t fully understand what it would be like living with my team, on a bus, for six days with only two small bathrooms and boxes for beds… not to mention we didn’t account for the storm we drove through and the fact that three of us had PMS at the same time! It was tense and uncomfortable at times but we made it through, and I think we are better people because of the whole experience. I know I am!

This year we learned so much about the world of Lyme disease by starting our own Lyme Initiative. We not only funded many promising research projects but we took the fight to Washington DC – and we won! Along the way we met some incredibly smart researchers and even made some new friends.

Lyme SUCKS! And, I am angry that so many people dismiss its impact on the lives of so many. I just want to pull my hair out when someone says it’s “all in their heads.” Really? It’s time to get educated and pray that Lyme does not come into your life. It’s not pleasant and it’s hard to watch your loved ones suffer.

This year, I really tried hard to get along with those that I do not see eye-to-eye with. I try hard to find that one good thing that is in everyone and focus on that to gain insight into what in their life made them who they are – and to ultimately understand them better.

I’ve found that there are a handful of people that I still struggle to find those redeeming qualities in. Instead, I have learned that sometimes you just need to fake it to keep the peace and try not to spend too much of your time even thinking about it… People are who they are and at the end of the day, they must live with themselves… in the words of a woman who is almost always right “God don’t like Ugly” and by “Ugly” I don’t mean physically. So, it’s up to you to move on to bigger and better things.

I love my children so much and I always worry and pray for them. Not having them at home has made our house seem bigger. I miss their presence and their company and I look forward to having them pop in and out on their various breaks. I try to speak with them as often as I can, but not too much that I cramp their style and not so little that I increase my anxiety about their whereabouts and safety.

As much as I love having my children around, OMG are they a messy crew! I’d forgot what it was like to walk over their stuff and scooch things off the couch just to get a seat in my own living room! Not to mention the little kitchen messes I find when I get up in the morning. You’ve gotta love ‘em but it definitely takes some getting used to when they’re back – that’s all I’m sayin’!

I love love love spending time with my husband. We both work very hard, so we try to carve out time (aside from home time) to enjoy each other’s company. He makes me laugh all the time and its always great catching up with what’s going on in each other’s lives.

I am a husband hog. I love spending time with him so much that I am spoiled – so, when I have not had alone time with him in a while I get cranky and start to whine about it. But, what husband would not want that – I ask you? He is a very lucky man…

I threw my parents a huge party to celebrate my mother’s 80th birthday, my father’s 85th birthday and their 60th wedding anniversary. They invited everyone they knew and even renewed their vows on stage; it was a perfect night for all.

My friends and I were a little “over served” at the party and we hogged up the photo booth, taking the silliest pictures – some that I will not be sharing with anyone anytime soon, but others that I have made my screen saver to remind me of that special night and that make me smile every time I look at them.

So Santa, to answer the age-old question, was I naughty or nice this year? I call it a draw. I try my best to be “enough” for myself and for everyone, but sometimes it’s harder than I think. I am a great daughter and wife, I hope my kids think I’m a great mother, and I know I’m a great friend – because I have great friends. I work hard and care about others, often before myself and even at the cost of my health at times. But, in the end, I never look back at a year in my life and regret very much. I believe that “life happens when you are making other plans.”

And, for the second age-old question, what would I like for Christmas?
I would like for everyone reading this to JUST BE KIND, to yourself and to others. I promise you it will go a long way.

Happy Holidays to all and to all a Good night!